The Life Of Frederick Douglass PDF

Douglass was born enslaved as Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey on Holme Hill Farm in Talbot county, Maryland… He became the …


Samuel Johnson Biography PDF

Samuel is known for writing profound poetry, fictions, moralizing essays, &  political pieces… Johnson, the premier English literary figure of …


Benjamin Franklin PDF

Benjamin Franklin was born 17th January 1706yr and he was died 17th April 1790 and was an American statesman, Founding …


Margaret Sanger Biography PDF

Margaret Sanger committed her life to legalizing birth control and making it generally accessible for ladies. Margaret Sanger established the birth control development and got to be an blunt and life-long advocate for women’s regenerative rights. …


Great Personalities of India PDF

A few pioneers have contributed in India from the ages in different circles of life which have been of awesome significance to the society of India. These pioneers have played …
