Famous Indian Mathematicians

India has a rich history of Mathematicians and there are several famous Indian mathematicians who have made significant contributions to …


Meghnad Saha Biography PDF

Meghnad Saha was born on 6th October 1893yr and died on 16th February 1956yr, was an Indian astrophysicist who helped …


Some Famous Indian Scientists

These are just a few of the many talented scientist who have made significant contributions to various fields of science …


Steve Jobs Biography PDF

Jobs was born in 1955yr and raised by adoptive parents in Cupertino  California US. Even if he was interested in …


Osama bin Laden Biography PDF

Laden was also known as Usama-bin-Laden, was a violent and dangerous terrorist and mass murderer who used bombings(Jihad) and bloodshed …


Homi Jehangir Bhabha Biography PDF

Homi Jahangir Bhabha Biography – Homi  was a nuclear physicist and scientist, a dedicated architect, & a philanthropist… He was,also …


Some Indian Famous Scientists

India’s connection with science & scientific research has been a deep rooted one… India has the highest number of research …


Kalpana Chawla Biography PDF

Kalpona Chawola was the first Indian origin woman and the 2nd Indian person to fly in space,,, after astronaut Rakesh …
