Aryabhatta Biography PDF

Aryabhatta was a Famous Mathematician and he was considered as  ‘Father Of Algebra’ because of his remarkable grasp and explanation …


James Clerk Maxwell Biography PDF

James Maxwell was a Scottish physicist, best known for his formulation of electromagnetic theory.. Maxwell was one of the greatest …


Great Personalities of India PDF

A few pioneers have contributed in India from the ages in different circles of life which have been of awesome significance to the society of India. These pioneers have played …


Stephen Hawking Biography PDF

Stephen Hawking was born in 8th January 1942yr, Oxford, Oxfordshire,UK and HE was died on 14th March  2018yr,  Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, …


The Wings of Fire

Kalam writes about his life in his autobiography, “Wings of Fire.” This book chronicles his journey from a humble South-Indian …


Famous Scientists

There are just a few examples and there are many more scientists who have made significant contributions to various fields …


Famous People in Science

There are just a few of the many influential figures in the world of Science.There are countless others who have …


Famous Indian Mathematicians

India has a rich history of Mathematicians and there are several famous Indian mathematicians who have made significant contributions to …


Meghnad Saha Biography PDF

Meghnad Saha was born on 6th October 1893yr and died on 16th February 1956yr, was an Indian astrophysicist who helped …
