Great Abolitionists PDF

Slavery in North America began in the Yr of 1500 when enslaved African people were first brought over to the …


Angelina Jolie Biography PDF

Angelina Jolie Voight was born on 4th June  1975yr at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles US, California, to actors Jon Voight …


Salman Rushdie Biography PDF

Salman Rushdie, in full Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie was born 19th June 1947yr Bombay (presently Mumbai), India… He was a Indian …


Biography of Artist

Artists are the creators of the intangible, the architects of imagination, and the storytellers of the soul. Through their chosen …


Top Artist”s Biography PDF

  There have been many infuential+popular artists throughout history across various fields and different regions..These are just a few examples …
