John G Lake Biography PDF

John G Lake was a was a prominent evangelical preacher and Canada-American leader in the PenteCostal movement and he is …


S R Ranganathan Biography PDF

Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan was a Librarian and Mathematician from India,his notable contribution was to the field,were his 5 laws of …


Albert Einstein PDF

Albert Einstein is a famous theoretical physicist scientist,who is best known for the developing “The Theory Of Relativity” and “Photoelectric …


J.K. Rowling Biography PDFbiograph

J.K. Rowling is a British Author,and creater of the popular and critically acclaimed Harry Potter series,about a young sorcecerin training. And …


Peter the Great PDF

Peter was one of his country’s greatest statesman, organizer and reformers. He was the Tsar of Russia from 1682 to …
